A Nerd's Word

SCG Worcester 2019

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Hello again! Last weekend, I went to SCG Worcester for the second time! Unlike last time, I didn't play in the main event, but I did do three side events, and, more importantly, I got to spend time with friends I hadn't seen since I graduated in May.

I got to do two two-headed-giant sealed events. In the first one, I partnered with a student who was new to the magic club at WPI, and went 2-2. In the second event, I partnered with my friend Andrew, and went 3-1. I had a lot of fun building and playing those decks, and it was great meeting the new students!

I also got a chance to practice playing my black-red reanimator legacy deck in paper for the first time in a while. I played a few rounds against a few current students, both against legacy death's shadow, where I was able to force my way through three couterspells with one more reanimation spell than they could handle.

In the final event I played in, I did a one round legacy turbo event, where I was paired against mono-red burn. There's a card in my sideboard for reanimator called Iona, Shield of Emeria, and when I drop that turn one naming red, there's not much a burn player can do to win the game:

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Turns out, if you can't cast most of your deck, it becomes difficult to win the game :)

I also got a chance to talk to two of my alpha readers for my second novel (no spoilers yet), and I got some really good feedback on what was good about it and what needed improvement. That one's still in its early stages (unlike my first novel, which is close to being ready to send to publishers, it's only 50,000 words and needs lots of editing before it's ready to send out), but it's coming along nicely!

I had a blast at the event, and I hope to be able to visit some of my friends who live in that area again sometime soon!

Thanks for reading, and see you next time!

-- Bradley