A Nerd's Word

Long Awaited Updates Part 4: R.A.C.H.E.L. Undying Launch, New Website Launch, and more Brandon Sanderson!

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After my longest hiatus yet (yes, I know this is getting old), I've finally returned to my blog! It's been way too long. Time has warped way too much during the pandemic, and honestly it feels like time travel writing here from 2023 cue back to the future music. My life has become so busy lately and I haven't found the time to write blog posts in the last couple of years. But like the Terminator, I'll always be back.

I'll start with a bit of catch up, then get into the details. Some exciting updates:

  • I published my second novel, R.A.C.H.E.L. Undying! You can see the cover above. Scroll down to see the blurb (details later, remember?).
  • I revamped my website, which you can see here: https://www.bradleywoodsauthor.com/. Check it out!
  • I went to New York ComicCon and met Brandon Sanderson! More deets below, but here's a pic of us together:

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  • I launched my TikTok and Instagram author accounts, and hit over 2750 followers on my Twitter
  • I started working on my third novel, the sequel to my first novel Unbounded! 31k words in and counting! Back to the grind.
  • I just started a new job about a month ago! It's a big career step for me, and so far it's been going well, so fingers crossed it stays that way.

Okay, as promised, DETAILS TIME!

It's pretty crazy I didn't post an update when I actually launched my second novel. But better late than never, right? Anyway, check out the blurb below, and check out the book itself if it sounds interesting!

If an android is built to mimic humans, are her pain, joy, and love real? Or simply an artifact of programming? In the mid-2300s, Earth is devastated by climate change. With the planet failing, a team of scientists must race to create the ultimate scout: R.A.C.H.E.L. Tasked with finding a new home for mankind, by the time Rachel is ready, it’s too late. Instead of being the one to lead humanity to the stars, she is left behind by the very people she is meant to save.

R.A.C.H.E.L Undying follows Rachel as she struggles to find her place in a ruined Earth where only a fraction of humanity remains. Her original purpose lost to her forever, Rachel has to come to terms with her new reality, and, in doing so, discovers that being human doesn’t just mean being made of flesh and blood.

Hope you enjoyed that, and, if you're still interested, maybe pick up a copy!

Okay, moving on :)

Website update is pretty self-explanatory, so skipping that. Let's see...oh, right, Brandon Sanderson!

I attended a panel with him, got to ask about book marketing, and then met up with him and got a signed copy of Elantris and the Magic: The Gathering card Crystal Shard (I had to do a Stormlight Archive reference)! Did you know Brandon Sanderson plays Magic? Fun fact, he used to play tabletop RPGs, but had to stop when he started writing full time. But Magic used a different part of his brain, so he could keep playing! So without further ado, here's some more pics:

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The rest of the updates are pretty self-explantory, and I don't want to take up too much of your time. I'll post more updates on my 3rd novel on my social media, so be sure to follow me there if you have any interest in that. And I'll try to post more frequently, so stay tuned! And for those of you out there who play D&D, I'll try to have an update on the OGL craziness soon. Till next time!

Cue Arnold Schwarzenegger voice, now 2 years older I'LL BE BACK!

-- Bradley